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Escape from gravity


The Principles of Eravity Laser

How eravity works
Unlike other conventional heat transmitting methods, which concentrate heat on the surface of skin, Eravity uses a vertical heat transmitting method that builds up the heat from underneath the surface of the skin, which safely and effectively delivers heat to deeper layers of skin.
The heat energy delivered to the deep skin layer stimulates collagen and fibroblasts which leads to improvement in elasticity and sagging skin.

1. Eravity laser minimize the heat absorption in the epidermis layer of skin and reduce factors that interfere with dermal penetration such as, pigment absorption, water absorption, and accumulate heat energy of 650ms

2. Pigments don’t go away with only treating the surface of the skin. They need to be treated even in deeper layers of skin together to prevent recurrence. Eravity laser minimizes the stimulation on the epidermal layer and induce cell activation in the dermis layer and prevent recurrence and reduce side effects.

Benefit of Eravity Laser :

Improvement in skin texture and tone

Improvement in fine lines and wrinkles

Non-invasive lifting procedure

Painless procedure. No need of anesthetic numb cream.

Do downtime, you can go back to your daily basis and put on make-up as well

Recommended for:

  • If you prefer non-invasive and painless procedure
  • If you want to treat hyperpigmentation and prevent recurrence as well.
  • If you want to see the immediate results (of lifting) after the procedure
  • If you want to take care of your skin safely and effectively
  • If you want both lifting, skin tightening (especially pore tightening) effects after the procedure.