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Bodyline / Liposuction


Gynecomastia Liposuction
Male Breast Reduction

Get rid of the enlarged breast in just 1 day

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia also known as male breast reduction refers to
a condition in which male breast tissue enlarges due to
various factors such as hormonal imbalance, genetics,
excessive fat etc. In young boys going through puberty,
a breast bud or disc may be felt under the nipple.
This breast growth usually resolves within two years.
Liposuction can help to remove excess tissue and fat and
reduce the volume from the breast.

Normal Breasts

Normal chests are muscular
and don’t sag.


Tends to be rounder and resembles woman’s breasts and the nipple areolar complex may project more than the rest of the chest.

Symptoms of Gynecomastia


If you are skinny but have breast tissue enlargement.


If your chest is rounder and the nipple usually feels sensitive and rubbery.


If your breast feels tender or painful when touched.


If you have enlarged areolas with nipple discharge

*Gynecomastia can affect males of all ages and liposuction
can be helpful for men who are suffering from their enlarged breasts that
is difficult to get rid of even with diet or exercise.

Simon’s Grading Scale

Normal Breast

Grade 1
Small Growth without excess skin

Grade 2a
Moderate Growth without excess skin

Grade 2b
Moderate Growth with excess skin.

Grade 3
Significant growth with excess skin.

Gynecomastia can be classified in 4 Different Grades according to
the severity of patient’s condition and the surgery will be done
according to the grade diagnosed.

The Benefit of Jeunex Clinic’s Gynecomastia / Male Breast Liposuction

Comprehensive consultation and Body Composition Analysis helps with accurate and successful surgery


Our Well-skilled, trusted Chief Medical Director, Dr. Kasey himself performs the entire procedure.


To ensure safety, the right amount of fat will be removed according to your body condition.


Meticulous Post-Operative Care Program available


Minimal incision sites. No need to be concerned about scars


Male Body Shaping

Cautions about Liposuction!!

Excessive Liposuction can cause side effects such as adhesion or bio-bond, which can lead to revision surgery. That is why in Jeunex Clinic, our priority is safety above all. Therefore, we value safe and fit procedures according to our patient’s needs and requirements.
Based on our Dr. Kisu Sung (a.k.a Dr. Kasey)’ with extensive clinical experience of over 20 years, you can expect safe, natural yet excellent outcome. We try our best to offer the best services to provide the right optimal and necessary procedures and consider our patients’ needs.

Gynecomastia Liposuction Before and After



Surgery Information:

Duration of Surgery:

About 2 hours

Anesthetic Method:

Conscious IV sedation/ Local anesthesia


No need to be bedridden. Discharged on the very day

Stitch out:

After 1 week