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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

What is HBOT (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy)?

The Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy (HBOT) gives you a healthy life!

Due to incorrect diet or neglecting our health etc. the blood vessel becomes contaminated with cholesterol, etc. and becomes narrower or the residue is stuck to the red blood cells, thus preventing smooth blood flow. As a result, lack of oxygen can lead to aging and poor physical function, which can cause illness. In hyperbaric oxygen therapy, purified oxygen is inhaled under pressurized atmosphere, increasing oxygen concentration within the body and alleviating the effects of oxygen deficiency, enhancing immune system, activating our metabolism and improving physical functions.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

The Benefit of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Recovery after the surgery

Increase of oxygen in areas with low oxygen levels and help to recover faster.

Recovery from fatigue, stress

Improvement in athletic performance, stress alleviation, recovery from fatigue and improving mental activity and ability to focus, promoting metabolism and blood flow.

Anti-inflammatory and prevention of infection

Prevention of infection from external injury.

Blood circulation

Promotion of metabolism and improve blood flow by stimulating the growth of new blood vessels and dilate narrowed or blocked blood vessels.

Edema reduction

Reduction of swelling and edema and regeneration of cells and treatment of muscular or skeletal damage.

Dermatologic care

Antioxidant and improvement in skin condition. Neutralize the active oxygen that attacks tissues and damage cells and supply a large amount of oxygen when collagen is generated.